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Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Happy fourth advent to everyone

The day before Christmas eve should be a quite day, everything done (especially the gifts). I packed my lasts today and now I almost ready for Christmas.

Tomorrow we celebrate at my parents house with my sister and her husband and with my brother with his girlfriend and the girlfriends parents. I would be - as always - the only single. I'm used to it, but sometimes it makes me sad, being alone. I wish it would be different, but....

This gift I made on my own. It's almost like making jams, very simple and the ingredients could be different.


Apple & cranberry chutney

Festive, vegan recipes to see you through the Christmas season - from parsnip soup to Puy lentil salad.


  1. Place all ingredients except cranberries in a large heavy-based saucepan, then gently heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for about 50 mins, stirring regularly until the apples and onions are tender, the mixture has thickened and no watery juice remains.
  2. Add the cranberries, then cook for a further 10 mins or so until just softened but not burst.
  3. Spoon the hot chutney into sterilised jars and seal (see instructions below). Store unopened in a cool, dark place. The chutney will keep for up to 6 months. Chill on opening.
To sterilise jars, wash thoroughly in hot soapy water, then dry in a low oven; or run through a dishwasher. Pot the hot chutney while the jars are still hot.


Grilled mediterranean veg with bean mash
Grilled Mediterranean veg with bean mash


  • 410g can haricot beans , rinsed
  • 1 garlic clove , crushed
  • 100ml vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriander
  • lemon wedges, to serve


375 g Reis (3 Kochbeutel)
500 g Räuchertofu, in Streifen geschnitten
2 Paprika (z.B. 1 rot, 1 gelb), in Streifen geschnitten
1 Zwiebel, gehackt
1 Tube Tomatenmark
1 EL Mehl
2 EL Sojasauce
3 EL Olivenöl
Paprikagewürz, edelsüß
Salz, Pfeffer


Reis wie gewohnt kochen.

Tofu unter ständigem Rühren in Öl leicht anbraten und nacheinander Zwiebel, Paprika, Tomatenmark, Paprikagewürz und Majoran zugeben. Mit Mehl bestäuben und mit Wasser und etwas Sojasauce nach Gefühl auffüllen. Etwa 10 Minuten auf schwacher Hitze köcheln lassen. Abschmecken, Fertig!


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