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Mittwoch, 11. September 2013


Goma means sesame and wakame (Undario pinnatifida) means "Young shoot" and is a kind of seaweed used in Japan classics or in the miso soup. Despite their bronze-green coloring, wakame is one of the family of brown algae.
It grows in deep sea and is seen only in the spring and in the autumn when the seaweed swims with her spear, wavy along the edges and up to one meter long leaves on the water surface. Among the Japanese cuisine for more than five centuries and originally served as  salt. Also as holy food, it was long revered and offered to the gods along with fish and rice balls as a victim. Today she it's the most common algae in Japan and is bred very rar and expensive to harvest is the wild. Wakame is very iodine - and calcium-rich and fresh in semi-transparent or dried available. In Japan traditionally served together with fish, fresh salad or vegetables.
For us the vegan people of course eaten just like that a salad or served with vegetables.
I eat the salad just like that a always a big bowl. Mostly every day, again one of food I never get enough of. The first time I had this salad I fell in love immediatly. Luckely I can find this salad already prepared at a lokal store, when ever I'm too lazy to make it on my own. And when I do buy it prepared I always grab at least 3 packets. So good!!


Goma Wakame Seealgensalat, Artikelnummer: 222a

80% Wakame, soak dried in water or fresh for 20 min
some Agar-Agar,
20% Forest mushroom
sugar, salt
1/2 tsp. soysauce and rice vinegar
1 Tbsp. sesamoil
sesame ssed
wasabi or some fresh chopped chili

Prepare a salad dressing of soy sauce, some sesame oil and rice vinegar and sugar, depending on the taste add some wasabi
Mix with wakame and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
I always let it sit in the refrigerator for an hour or two to allow the Wakame soak up the flavor of the sauce. Best if it stays over night, but that's my opinion. Just try it out which way you like it the most.

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