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Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014

Soymedaillon in creamy Peppersauce with rice

After having quite a harmful weekend I had to cheer myself up with a good dish. 
Well, on saturday I was invited at a family evening and still after almost ten years being vegan I was asked by my uncle - "your vegan?"
Well I explained why and there it began. I just felt unknowness, ignorance and the words they said where quite sad. 

I sat at the table, lucky with at least a plate with rice and vegetablecurry. When my uncle passed me the peppermill - all he said was - that "this is meatfree"...........

Guess you can imagine how I felt. The day after I wrote my mother a mail and wrote that I was quite disappointed about the day before. 

All she wrote back, was that animals where given from God to feed us and that she think that veganismus is like a sect or satanismus. And that - by making more salad and vegetable - not going to prepare me something vegan.... I broke into tears reading the mail and that from my own mother. Well she accept but can't understand............

I needed days to come over it, knowing I could change her mind.

At least I know whats good and what I'm doing is the right way!

To cheer myself up I stood in kitchen and prepared a soulfood-dish. 

Hopefully you are more integrated in your family and feel yourself lucky if so. 


Soymedaillon in Peppersauce with rice

4 Portions

16 TVP Soymedaillons
1 tsp. corianderpowder
Liquid smoke

3 bell peppers
1 one carrot
1 onion
1 cup water
3 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 cup pine nuts
1 tbsp minced fresh garlic (about 3 large cloves)
2 tsp chili powder

Steamed rice


Peel the onion and carrot, seed the peppers and break free from the stems. Mix in the food processor.
Preheat a pan with olive oil and steam the vegetable till lightly tender. Then cook in olive oil with the chili powder. Add the pressed galic and season with salt and pepper. Then turn down the heat and put the vegetables together with the other sauce ingredients in the food processor and mix trough till chunky creamy. Adding more or less water than one cup. Taste and set aside. 

Soy Medaillons:
Soak the medaillons in boiling water for 15 min. Drain and pour hot water over again - drain and continue with this step till the water is clean. 

Preheat a pan with water and when boiling add the salt, liquid smoke and tomatopaste - disolve and add the drained medaillons and cook/steam for 15 min. 

When the time is over, drain the medaillons but don't press the liquid out!

In a preheat frying pan with oil, roast the medaillons for about 10 min. Then turn down the heat and add the coriander, wisk. 

Serve with the steamed rice and the sauce. 

Now enjoy your dish!

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