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Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

Filled beetroot-cucumbercups

On the third day of christmas I had my parents over for dinner. And I wanted to serve them something special and decorative. 

For the entree I wanted to make something decorative and good tasting - something not daily eaten. And so it came. 

Beside they look so great the taste do it same. The original recipe called for cream cheese, but I changed that, cause I had no natural cream cheese at home and buying one just for that I didn't wanted. As horseraddish compares very well with Beetroots and give them an additional taste, I've done so. 

My parents loved them and my mother said, that she will serve them on New Year's Day. Glad to give her an Idea.

If your still thinking what you could serve for an appetizer or snack on your New Years Day - how about these??

Enjoy them!



3-4 Persons

1 saladcucumber
1 small precooked beetroot
1 Tbsp. or more horseraddish
2-3 tsp. vegan soyjoghurt
agave nectar
salt, pepper

some cress for decoration

Wash and peel the cucumber, then cut into about 3 cm thick rolls. Hollow out the center for getting cups. 

Preheat salted water and cook the cucumbercups for 30 seconds. Then give immediately into iced waters.

For the beetrootfilling. Cut Beetroot very small and mix with horseraddish, give the soyjoghurt in and taste with agave nectar and season with salt and pepper.

Take the cucumbercubs and fill with the beetroot mixture and decorate with cress and serve on a bed of cress and  with whatever you wish so. 

NOTE: I served them along with a salad for a entree, but they goe very well for Party snack.

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