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Samstag, 16. November 2013


Beetroot-soup together with some other ingredients is a traditional Russian recipe called "Borrtsch". I ate Borrtsch a few times - as my grandmother grew (they flee during world war) up some years in Russia she brought back the Borrtsch-Soup and we always ate it on Easter Sunday when being over at them together with my fathers brother's familily.

But for now I'm not posting a russian Borrtsch-Soup recipe. I just had Beetroot on the hand and if you have precooked ones you can make a pretty fast soup. AND I defently needed a hearthy soup as I'm feeling sick today. Cold, hurt throat, running nose, cough etc. This soup will give me some more warm from the inside and hopefully helps.

Red Beet-Soup

Rotkäppchens Favorite: Randensuppe Rezept

4 Portions

1 Tsp mustard seeds
1 Tbsp. cross cumin seeds
2 Tbsp. vegan butter
1 large onion, finely chopped
500 g raw red or yellow beetroots, coarsely grated.
1 Liter vegetable broth
2 Bay leaves
1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
Sea salt
freshly ground white pepper

Heat mustard seeds and cumin in hot clarified butter, stirring until it smells good and the seeds are poppin. Add onion, cook at low heat til soft. Stir in the root Beet and cook. Pour in the broth, add Bay leaves and boil. Simmer for 30-40 minutes (less if you used the precooked Betts). Season with Apple Cider vinegar, salt, and pepper, and continue simmer for several minutes.
Consistent with freshly grated horseradish. (it gives the special taste to it!!) Love it

Hope you like the "special" soup!

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